•Location. Obviously you need to pick a spot-- but where? The best spot is going to be a room with a door away from the traffic and noise of your home. However, when space is limited, you may have to claim a corner in the least busy room/area of your home.
If at all possible, avoid using the bedroom as an office space. As informal as working from home can be, studies have shown that working from a bedroom may be too relaxing and distracting. Not that there's anything wrong with occasionally taking a nap before, during or after lunch or working from bed; that's one of the perks of working from home! However, one of the biggest challenges of this type of work environment is keeping up on productivity. Lead not into temptation…
•Supplies. Regardless of what line of work you're in, you're going to need those office supplies. You know what you need: computer, chair, file cabinet, etc. However, before heading off to the nearest office supply store, take an inventory of what you do have, what you can pick up on the cheap at a second hand store or what you can borrow from someone else. It can get awfully tempting (and expensive!) to buy shiny new gadgets that end up collecting dust after being used only once or twice.
•Good lighting. Most who work from home overlook this very important detail. Never underestimate the value of having good lighting in your home office. It's not only about reducing the strain on your eyes. Good lighting also promotes productivity.
•Add your own signature. Make your office yours. Throw up your Channing Tatum/Bar Refaeli poster, add a plant or better yet-- your own mini-fridge filled with lo-fat yogurt. Kick ass! Keep your office area clutter-free or at least move non-essential items out of your line of sight. Make your space tidy and efficient and official and don't forget to post your office hours on the door or wherever they can be seen prominently.
The whole point of laying out a home office is to give your informal work environment a more formal feel. That way, work feels more legitimate. But don't let that scare you- you can still wear pajamas to the office if you want to.