It's not uncommon to see work from home transcription opportunities everywhere when looking for a work from home opportunity. However, not everyone knows what transcription is. For the most part, transcription involves listening to a recording and then typing it out into a concise readout. The recording can be of a lecture, messages left on a voicemail recording, an attorney's follow-up on a case, a doctor's notes on a patient's medical record or anything of the like. This is a very popular and solid work from home opportunity. To do work from home transcription, one needs a good ear, good spelling skills and of course above average typing ability.
It is important to know that some work from home transcription jobs will require a good amount of training as well. This is especially true for medical transcription. This is because there will be certain medical terms used that are likely to not be familiar to the average person. This is also true in the case of transcribing legal documents. Because the medical and legal industries are strong and in no danger of falling by the wayside, medical and legal transcription are extremely popular typing jobs. In fact, they are the most sought after work from home transcription jobs and tend to be snapped up rather quickly.
Still, there are other work from home transcription jobs to be had. Some of these require little or no formal training and more or less require nothing more than a computer and good typing skills. While these work from home opportunities are harder to find, they do exist and can likely be found on a local level. Other larger jobs, especially those from work from home transcription services, are more likely to be found on the internet. As there are many scammers on the net, it is extremely important to do a background check of any company offering work from home transcription jobs.
The pay for work from home transcription jobs can vary depending on experience. It is not uncommon to earn ¼ cent per word for general or legal transcription while medical transcription can earn up to ½ cent per word. This may not sound like very much at first but it is important to understand that these amounts add up when doing an entire document. It is also possible to earn more the longer one stays with a company in addition to earning other extra incentives along the way. When taking on a work from home transcription job, an individual will likely be taken on as an independent contractor at first. After a certain amount of time, some companies will take a worker on as a full-fledged employee.
And there you have a somewhat roundabout idea of what a transcription job entails. There is no doubt that each company will be different on its entry requirements; therefore, it is important to look at what is needed in order to apply for a job. Now- good luck in landing your work from home transcription job!