Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Still Think Working from Home is Just a Fad?

Still think that working from home is just some unrealistic pipe dream or fad? Well, take a look at this website that custom builds Ebiz homes.

According to the website:

eHOME™ is a brand signifying homes that have been designed and built for a residence and separate independent, free-lance type business that experiences virtually no foot traffic, such as a writer or day-trader, and which can easily regenerate to a different dual purpose when the original purpose has run its course, such as a separate guest residence, or merged back into the residence as bonus rooms or extra bedrooms.

Gee, sure looks like that working from home "fad" is way more than just some stuffing envelopes scheme for stay-at-home moms. Working from home is shaping the way we live. 

Check it out! Way to go Fusion Homes!