Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Craptastic Things You Get to Ditch When Working from Home

The average office worker believes he or she would be more productive working from home and strongly wishes for the opportunity-- even if it were only once a week. And while each individual may have their own pro's that come with taking on home-based employment, there seems to be a consensus about certain office activities that workers would happily dump and never face again, such as:

  • ·         office baby showers
  • ·         staff photos
  • ·         know-it-all coworkers
  • ·         workplace whiners

Citrix, a Ft. Lauderdale company that creates technology that allows employees of companies to work remotely hired Wakefield Research to do the survey. But it's not just office workers that find office life "challenging". About one-third of executives/managers report they schedule their time off close to that of their superiors in order to maximize the time apart from each other and the office.

What else did the Wakefield survey find

Of the 1000 American office workers asked,

·         20% would like a boss like the character Gibbs on NCIS
·         15% would like Miranda Bailey from "Grey's Anatomy"
·         14% would like Buddy from the show "Cake Boss"
·         32% would give up lunch breaks to work from home
·         25% would forgo alcohol to work from home
·         20% would give up coffee

All in all, working from home is of great interest to the real-life American worker. Research has consistently shown that companies benefit greatly by becoming more flexible and allowing employees to work remotely. Not only does it boost productivity, it boosts morale as well. 

And not having to deal with that weird guy that licks the serving spoon at every office potluck or having your super-sub sandwich mysteriously disappear from the employee fridge every Friday is most definitely a bonus.